Monday 09 April 2018 to Thursday 28 June 2018

The British Council and the Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy, alongside their partner the Science Innovation Network are pleased to announce that a new round of applications for Institutional Links grants is open between Mon 9 April – Thurs 28 June 11:59 GMT. The first round of Institutional Links grants went live in 2015 and funded eight projects across the Gulf region in key sectors such as renewable energy and nanotechnology. This round will see a funding limit of £125k, and must be matched by the institutions with cash or in-kind.

Institutional Links grants help scientists in the UK and the Gulf to come together to fight global challenges.To apply, your research needs to fall under one of the country specific research themes, which you can browse below.

To let your colleagues know please tweet about the opportunity using #UK-Gulfscience, and tag your local British Council or British Embassy. 
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Research Themes

Oman Food security – agritech / aquaculture
Renewable energy – wind, solar, waste to energy
Bahrain Clean and renewable energy solutions which may (or may not) include integration with emerging disruptive technologies; with a focus on solar, wind, or energy storage
Kuwait Waste water treatment, water conservation or water desalination, which may (or may not) include the use of renewable energy solutions in their application.
Saudi Arabia Health and Life Sciences  – Genomics and Precision Medicine Research
Cyber Security Research with a focus on Critical National Infrastructure (Energy and Water Utilities, Food Security, Healthcare and Financial Services) 
Qatar Cyber security research with a focus on critical national infrastructure (Energy and Water Utilities, Food Security, Healthcare and Financial Services)
UAE Waste water treatment, water conservation or water desalination, which may (or may not) include the use of renewable energy solutions in their application.
Waste to energy, renewable energy and water and energy storage
Artificial intelligence – with a focus on clean, renewable energy and climate change